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CodiLime Glossary

Some common networking terms clearly explained

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What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes (or K8s) is an open source container orchestration platform that enables automated application deployment, scaling, and management. Kubernetes is a perfect solution when it comes to deploying cloud-native apps. It can be used in private, public, and hybrid clouds.

This solution was originally developed at Google (Borg project) but is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. 

Kubernetes enables: 

  • automatic container management across multiple hosts,
  • use of apps on many underlying Operational Systems (OS), thus avoiding vendor lock-in,
  • scaling of containerized applications according to your current needs,
  • better use of your hardware, thus saving money,
  • use of the power of open source,
  • automatic healing of broken apps. 

Benefits of using Kubernetes

Kubernetes works well both in a public cloud, a private cloud, or an on-premises server. Its flexibility also includes multi-cloud ability. Kubernetes can scale and spread its environment across clouds. Kubernetes also ensures an application's stability—you can update or change the software without downtime. 

And last but not least, Kubernetes can be a cheaper solution if you have significant computing resources. 

What else is Kubernetes used for? 

  • Traffic management for microservices—Kubertnetes facilitates communication between components. 
  • Easy and quick deployment of software from a server to the cloud. 
  • CI/CD process improvement—Kubernetes makes continuous testing, observation, and deployment more effortless.

Kubenretes functionalities can be expanded with the use of Kubernetes Gateway API. You can learn how to use it in this video:

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Thumbnail of an article about Debugging Nginx Ingress in Kubernetes — a study in (Codi)Lime  

Debugging Nginx Ingress in Kubernetes — a study in (Codi)Lime  

This story comes with everything one needs to tell the perfect noir detective story. There’s an investigation, a mysterious victim and a silent psycho mass-murderer. Only the setting is changed, with Kubernetes clusters instead of Victorian era London and the CodiLime team smoking Sherlock Holmes’ pipe. So pour yourself some whiskey, light up a cigar and enjoy your reading! Kubernetes is currently one of the most popular open-source systems for deploying and managing applications. Yet it wouldn’t be so useful without Ingress, a tool that enables the outer world to contact the components within Kubernetes by using HTTP or an HTTPS protocol.
Thumbnail of an article about How to make your Kubernetes cluster secure

How to make your Kubernetes cluster secure

In the last couple of years Kubernetes (K8s) has become one of the most popular tools for running containerized applications. Many cloud companies, major ones among them, have adopted it to orchestrate their container-based workloads. Given its popularity, the problem of K8s security is becoming even more pressing. Read our two-part blog post series on how to make a Kubernetes cluster secure. Part one provides a brief history of virtualization, presents admission controllers and how they work and shows how Pod Security Policies, a powerful admission controller, can help you manage user actions on Kubernetes cluster.
Thumbnail of an article about Kubernetes workloads — using multiple networks

Kubernetes workloads — using multiple networks

Since there is no separate networking object among Kubernetes objects enabling the running of multiple networks, a workaround is required. Using a Container Network Interface (CNI) is a good place to start. Read this blog post to learn how you can use it to get multiple networks for Kubernetes workloads. I also describe my proposal for changes in source code that will enable native handling of multiple networks in Kubernetes. This blog post is based on the presentation which Doug Smith from Red Hat and I gave at the KubeCon+CloudNativeCon North America 2019 conference.
Thumbnail of an article about Security in Kubernetes — overview of admission webhooks

Security in Kubernetes — overview of admission webhooks

This blog post is a continuation of two previous posts on security mechanisms in Kubernetes. If you have not yet read them, click here for part 1 and part 2 to see how you can provide an adequate level of security in Kubernetes deployments. Existing admission controllers are very useful, as they allow you to validate or modify requests to a Kubernetes API server. However, they have two limitations: They have to be compiled into an API server and can be configured only on the API server startup. The flexibility of admission webhooks helps solve these problems.Once enabled, their behavior depends on the special application running inside the Kubernetes cluster.
Thumbnail of an article about The benefits of Pod Security Policy — a use case

The benefits of Pod Security Policy — a use case

In the previous post I looked at how security is handled in Kubernetes. Let’s now see how it works in practice. One of the most powerful controllers is the Pod Security Policy admission controller (PSP). PSP is a cluster-level security mechanism that enables control over sensitive aspects of pod specification. It allows you to define a set of conditions a pod must meet in order to be accepted into the system.The following use case illustrates how it works. Let’s assume that we have a shared file system
Thumbnail of an article about How to create a custom resource with Kubernetes Operator

How to create a custom resource with Kubernetes Operator

While developing projects on the Kubernetes platform I came across an interesting problem. I had quite a few scripts that ran in containers and needed to be triggered only once on every node in my Kubernetes cluster. This could not be solved using default Kubernetes resources such as DaemonSet and Job. So I decided to write my own resource using Kubernetes Operator Framework. How I went about it is the subject of this blog post. When I confronted this problem, my first thought was to use a DaemonSet resource that utilizes initContainers and then starts a dummy busybox container running `tail -f /dev/null` or another command that does nothing.
Thumbnail of an article about Deploying a Kubernetes operator in OpenShift 4.x platform

Deploying a Kubernetes operator in OpenShift 4.x platform

Contrail-operator is a recently released open-source Kubernetes operator that implements Tungsten Fabricas a custom resource. Tungsten Fabric is an open-source Kubernetes-compatible, network virtualization solution for providing connectivity and security for virtual, containerized or bare-metal workloads. An operator needed to be adjusted to the OpenShift 4.x platform, which introduced numerous changes to its architecture compared with previous versions. In this blog post, you’ll read about three interesting use cases and their solutions.
Thumbnail of an article about Tungsten Fabric as a Kubernetes CNI plugin

Tungsten Fabric as a Kubernetes CNI plugin

CNI (Container Networking Interface) is an interface between container runtime and network implementation. It allows different projects, like Tungsten Fabric, to provide their implementation of the CNI plugins and use them to manage networking in a Kubernetes cluster. In this blog post, you will learn how to use Tungsten Fabric as a Kubernetes CNI plugin to ensure network connectivity between containers and bare metals. You will also see an example of a nested deployment of a Kubernetes cluster into OpenStack VM with a TF CNI plugin.
Thumbnail of an article about Kubernetes: what is it and how you can use it (part 1/2)

Kubernetes: what is it and how you can use it (part 1/2)

Kubernetes is an open-source system for container orchestration enabling automated application deployment, scaling and management. Read this two-part blog post to understand the business perspective on Kubernetes. I will present a brief story of virtualization methods, the key concepts on which Kubernetes is built and how it can help your business when it comes to running containerized applications. The second part covers six main reasons to adopt Kubernetes. First, let’s take a look at the market data on the adoption of Kubernetes.
Thumbnail of an article about How to use NVIDIA GPUs with Kubernetes — CodiLime approach

How to use NVIDIA GPUs with Kubernetes — CodiLime approach

The combination of NVIDIA GPUs, to allow computing power to be harnessed, and Kubernetes, responsible for managing containerization, may seem like a perfect marriage of two complementary tools, and an obvious solution. Yet, at the technical level, this combination, like many marriages, turned out to be more tricky than might have been expected. Read this blogpost to find out how CodiLime managed to find a way to deal with this matter. Let’s introduce the main characters then: NVIDIA GPUs (Graphic Processing Units) are powerful tools used to accelerate computationally-intensive tasks.

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