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CodiLime Glossary

Some common networking terms clearly explained

What is Python?

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. It’s one of the most popular programming languages.

The Python programming language is a multi-paradigm programming language, which means it fully supports structured programming as well as object-oriented programming. Other paradigms can be supported partially (such as aspect-oriented programming) or via extensions. 

Python’s design philosophy emphasizes simple syntax and code readability. It has dynamic semantics and built-in data structures, meaning it can work as a scripting or glue language to connect existing components, as well as the primary language to write an application.

Python vs. other languages

  • Python vs. C++

While both Python and C++ are popular programming languages, they are used for different kinds of projects. Python tends to be slower than C++, which is why C++ is chosen for high-performance code, such as service mesh using C++ plugins. On the other hand, Python has a user-friendly syntax and a rich ecosystem, making it easy to learn. You can read more about the differences between Python vs C++ on our blog.

  • Python vs. Java

The main difference between Java and Python is that Java is a compiled language, while Python is an interpreted one. That increases Java's efficiency, but Python has a simpler syntax. They can both perform the same functions, but Python would do it in fewer lines of code. 

  • Python vs. Go

Go is faster than Python, which is why it has become very popular in back-end development and is commonly used in highly parallel web applications. The main difference between these languages is that Golang is significantly better at supporting concurrency. However, the development itself is less time-consuming in Python. Go takes more time because it has to compile the code. You can read more about Go vs. Python on our blog.

Why use the Python programming language?

One of Python's advantages is its popularity - it’s a widely-supported technology. You can find many resources, such as guidebooks and tutorials, that make the language easier to learn and use. In the active Python community, the likelihood is that many problems already have solutions that are ready to use.

Another reason to use the Python programming language is it’s easy to learn. The result is more Python developers on the market, making recruiting and building a development team easier.

The Python programming language is very time-efficient, too. Due to high-level abstractions and easy syntax, development time is vastly reduced. It’s also a versatile language. It’s open source and has multiple libraries and modules to enrich it.

When to use Python?

Python code can be used for various purposes. Thanks to its flexibility it can be suited to different developer and project needs. Here are a few domains and areas where Python is in widespread use:

  • Data analysis and visualization
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Web development
  • Automation

Python is often used in tasks supporting automation and testing, such as writing test scripts or full testing frameworks. The most common use at Codilime is end-to-end test automation for network solutions.

Read more:

Thumbnail of an article about Go vs. C++ — main differences

Go vs. C++ — main differences

When you start a new software development project, you have to consider which programming language or languages will meet all the technical requirements and offer the most suitable frameworks and libraries to succeed. Go and C++ both have their advantages and disadvantages, so choosing between them requires a fair deal of consideration. In this article, I’ll touch on topics such as which programming language works better for which projects, and what they are used for. But the main part of the comparison will focus on the speed and readability level of these languages, whether one of them is more secure, and how test code coverage and execution handling look in Go and C++.
Thumbnail of an article about What is Python used for?

What is Python used for?

Nowadays, it is almost impossible not to have heard about the Python programming language. There are numerous sources that describe this technology, but sometimes, one piece of information is missing. What actually is Python used for? In what types of projects does Python work the best? Sometimes there are so many questions and so few answers. This article aims to dispel any doubts and show Python’s possibilities. To start with, it is worth mentioning that this article focuses on the classic Python implementation (CPython).
Thumbnail of an article about Rust vs. Python: which would suit your project better?

Rust vs. Python: which would suit your project better?

Both Rust and Python are widely-recognizable names in the developer’s world. Python stepped into the IT field more than three decades ago. Rust is a younger technology but it is gaining popularity, both when it comes to developers and businesses. The question is: is Rust better than Python? Or is it maybe the over way around? This article will not provide simple answers because there are no winners or losers here. Both Python and Rust have a lot to offer, and they are great, robust technologies. This text will guide you through these programming languages’ features and show how they fit with specific projects - everything you need for the Rust/Python big picture to better understand when to choose one over the other.

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