Maciej Brzóska

UX/UI Designer

Maciej Brzóska is a UX/UI designer and author on CodiLime's blog. Check out the author's articles on the blog.

Maciej Brzóska

Recent posts by Maciej:

Thumbnail of an article about Product design vs UX design — what is the difference?

Product design vs UX design — what is the difference?

The creation of a product, whether physical or software, is a challenging process. It is complex and consists of many stages. It also requires a team of various experts, each of them having a different set of skills and experience. Sometimes the positions might seem similar, almost the same even. Especially in the digital design realm, the responsibilities of particular individuals might overlap, which surprisingly could empower this complex and hard process. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the responsibilities of product designers and UX designers.
Thumbnail of an article about What is and what is not accessibility design?

What is and what is not accessibility design?

While building a new software product, development and UX teams usually focus on its functionality and usability. But do you know if your product is accessible? Why does it even matter? What is the difference between usability and accessibility? Read on to find out what accessible design is, what it isn’t, and how to make it work for your product. In terms of UX and UI, accessibility design is extremely important. The designer should always keep in mind that users might encounter the app or website in many different ways.
Thumbnail of an article about Why is UX design important and six reasons why you need it

Why is UX design important and six reasons why you need it

Businesses can profit a lot from investing in UX & UI design services. In this article I have put together some arguments you can use to convince company executives why well-designed UX is a strategic asset and why it’s worth finding a reliable partner for UX services. UI/UX design stands for user interface and user experience design. These two elements are crucial to the success of any digital product, including websites, mobile apps, software, and network products. User experience (UX) design focuses on the user's overall experience while interacting with the digital product.