Network testing services

Network testing services

Network testing is the critical process of evaluating and validating the functionality, performance, and security of networks. It helps identify potential issues before they disrupt operations. In essence, if you want your network to be resilient and reliable, thorough and automated network testing is key.

Test your network with us

How we can help

Our network testing services cover performance, scalability, functionality, resilience, stress, and interoperability testing. We ensure the highest possible test coverage through custom scenarios and guarantee efficiency thanks to streamlined automation.

Our network testing services

Resilience testing

Due to the growing demand for new services and better performance, networks become more and more complex every year. Even when you maintain best practices, these architectures might still not be fault-proof. That’s why you need resilience testing. These tests will force your network to prove that it can defend itself against outages properly, i.e. without unexpected side effects and within your SLAs. These tests will reveal any shortcomings in a controlled manner.

Stress testing

It's imperative that stress testing should be part of the QA process or be performed before launch day. It ensures your services have the capability to support all users at once. Stress tests help make your network immune to different network events: from a link failure, flapping adjacency up to DDOS attacks. Our services include eliminating bottlenecks, providing autoscaling where needed, and even suggesting an emergency plan when you need to recover fast in order to not lose users.

Performance testing

These kinds of tests delve into the heart of the user experience. By simulating real-world scenarios, this rigorous approach dissects network behavior under various conditions to ensure it aligns with predefined performance benchmarks. Performance testing emerges as a preemptive shield against user dissatisfaction, uncovering latent bottlenecks before they manifest as real issues.

Interoperability testing

Despite standardization across networking protocols, there are unique scenarios where specific implementations may not be universally supported, such as differences in STP implementations, BGP EVPN route types, OSPF opaque LSAs, and more. These minute variations in protocol implementations, which may differ between vendors, can lead to challenges. As such, they are prime candidates for comprehensive network interoperability testing. Through these tests, we ensure the seamless integration of your network with existing infrastructures and guarantee that all features and configurations you've deployed or plan to deploy are compatible with potential peer networks.

Scalability testing

Network services are not only about forwarding traffic at constantly increasing speeds. Depending on the use case, they may be quite complex, use numerous protocols, and consume different HW resources. Sometimes, the real hardware capacity is not obvious; for example, how many sessions, sites, policies, or subscribers it can handle, how different features interfere with one another, and how they influence the overall capacity. Scalability tests help answer these questions by emulating different protocols at the scale expected in a real network so one can identify possible scalability issues in advance.

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Our expertise in practice

Our experience covers test plan design, testing and test automation in various environments. See what we have already achieved with our partners.

Software VNF testing

Our team expertly crafted and executed a comprehensive testing strategy, assessing both the functional and performance dimensions of an OVS-based load-balancing solution. By utilizing the TRex tool, we simulated a wide range of traffic patterns, closely resembling real-world scenarios, providing invaluable insights for our client. By aligning the product’s characteristics with the precise needs of their customer base, we ensured impeccable functionality and peak performance.

Hardware load balancer testing

Our experts designed dedicated test plans and extensively tested hardware network devices. We were able to cover all scenarios and accordingly improve the solution, resulting in no single point of failure. In addition to case-specific tests, we followed the RFC 2544 methodology to verify performance and used TRex to generate and measure the traffic while conducting several fully automated tests. By working closely with the client and understanding their needs, we were able to provide a robust product ready for deployment.

Building a testing environment for containerized network functions

When developing CNFs, our engineers created a controlled environment providing isolation, reproducibility, security, and automation. These setups served various testing needs. Automated functional network tests, powered by Robot Framework, were seamlessly integrated into CI pipelines (with unit tests, security scans, and code checks). This approach boosted software development efficiency and issue detection. We fine-tuned bare-metal servers and CNFs for performance tests to maximize performance while mimicking the production setup. We used TRex and Python Scapy package to simulate traffic with custom scripts and deployment definitions (Helm Charts), ensuring rapid test iterations and result aggregation.

What are the benefits of network testing?

Identifying bottlenecks, latency, and inefficiencies can help you enhance your network performance.
Testing prepares networks for scaling, ensuring they can accommodate increased traffic and usage without compromising performance.
Tests uncover vulnerabilities and potential problems before they escalate, preventing downtime and interrupted operations.
Thorough testing uncovers security threats and enables the implementation of better network security measures.
Testing reduces unnecessary costs by pinpointing areas for improvement early.
Checking each part of your network guarantees regulatory compliance.
Evaluating your current technologies and solutions ensures you stay up-to-date with the newest improvements and are ready for future challenges.

Network testing tools and technologies

We use a wide range of technologies to test your network thoroughly.

Network testing

Robot Framework

Vendor solutions

Check Point
Nokia Networks
Palo Alto Networks
NVIDIA Mellanox

Public cloud

Google Cloud
Amazon Web Services
Microsoft Azure
IBM Cloud

Private cloud


Cloud-native platforms and services



Xen Project

Open-source networking





Storage / database


Our approach to network testing

GitOps approach for network & infrastructure automation
Hands-on experience with network engineering
Custom solutions based on operational experience
Flexible and easy-to-scale teams
Goal orientation and on-time delivery
Focus on long-term partnerships

What do our partners say


We are excited to welcome CodiLime as a new member of the Linux Foundation and LF Networking. CodiLime’s expertise in network engineering will be a valuable asset especially for LF Networking, where we focus on collaborative open-source networking solutions. We admire the contribution CodiLime has made to Tungsten Fabric, a project that has been developed under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation. This is a sign of good things to come.

Arpit Joshipura - General Manager, Networking, Edge, and IOTquoteIcon

Linux Foundation

Models of network testing services

Network testing can have different requirements depending on your business needs. Whether you're looking for a complicated stress test campaign or a simple acceptance test, we can work out the best method of cooperation.

models of network testing services
Team augmentation

When you are already working on a solution and need tech specialists to expand your team.

Tailored team

When you have a task to be done and want to outsource it to a team of professionals.

End-to-end services

When you want to focus on business and need a technology partner to turn your ideas into working solutions.

Consulting & expertise

When you want to speed up and need experts on a temporary basis to foster your growth and transformation.

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Explore our other services

Network testing is just one step towards a reliable and resilient network. Learn about other ways in which we can help your infrastructure flourish.

Strengthen your network with testing

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