Sebastian Czech

DevOps Engineer

Sebastian is a Senior DevOps Engineer with over 15 years of experience in the IT industry. He has worked as a software developer, system administrator, and network architect. He is proficient with many technologies, including Kubernetes, Palo Alto Networks devices, Terraform, GitHub, and public clouds like AWS or Oracle. In his current role, he focuses on the infrastructure as a code approach, automation, and continuous improvement. Sebastian is passionate about E2E architecture for IT systems and networks. He’s also keen on discovering new technologies, especially regarding cloud solutions.

Sebastian Czech



Recent posts by Sebastian:

Thumbnail of an article about Unlocking the power of GitOps for network automation

Unlocking the power of GitOps for network automation

In rapidly developing technologies, especially cloud technologies, the flexibility and at the same time reliability of the tools and techniques we use to manage infrastructure, including networks, become extremely important.
Thumbnail of an article about Leveraging OPA and Rego to Automate Compliance in a CI/CD Pipeline

Leveraging OPA and Rego to Automate Compliance in a CI/CD Pipeline

In today's fast-paced software development world, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines are critical for organizations to deliver high-quality software efficiently. However, ensuring compliance with security and regulatory policies can be a challenging and time-consuming process. Open Policy Agent (OPA) and Rego, a declarative language for policy enforcement, offer a solution to this problem. By leveraging OPA and Rego together, organizations can automate compliance checks within their CI/CD pipelines, reducing the burden on developers and increasing the efficiency of the development process.
Thumbnail of an article about Policy as code — what is it? Definition and tools

Policy as code — what is it? Definition and tools

By the time you’ve worked in the IT industry for a couple of years, you are usually familiar with many practices as code, for example, infrastructure as code, configuration as code, and security as code. You may have even met with the expression policy as code. What does it mean? Why should we follow an ‘as code’ approach? You’ll find all the answers in this article. The main idea behind policy as code is using specific language to manage and automate policies. What language can be used for that target?