Case study
Connecting different VPC/VNets and extending on-premise resources to multiple clouds

Business background
Client type
Business goal
Our approach
- Provide a complete team with experience in network engineering composed of an architect, project manager, and Python, Golang and UI developers
- Prepare a Proof of Concept (PoC)
- Ensure smooth communication between all stakeholders in a project involving all of the product’s important components
- Deliver CI changes, automated tests and network configuration
- Change the PoC to a full-size feature to be added to the customer’s SDN core product
Business benefits
- Saved time: CodiLime’s team has a wide range of skills and was able to start working immediately.
- Optimized spending: as a complete team was provided, the client did not have to expand its own team and incur considerable upfront investments.
- Flexibility: with competence in multiple areas of network technical knowledge plus proficiency in software development and IT, CodiLime could efficiently explore the problem and quickly produce the optimal solution.
Technical highlights
- The solution was based on deploying Multi Cloud gateway (MC-GW) nodes interconnecting different Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)/Virtual Networks (VNets) in the various clouds.
- Secure tunneling was achieved by the simultaneous use of the OpenVPN, IPsec, and VXLAN.
- Terraform was used to provision cloud resources on Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
- MC-GW also extends on-premise resources to the cloud.
- Custom Ansible playbooks and Python scripts were used to deploy custom SD-WAN infrastructure and deploy the customer’s SDN solution.
- Packer was used to improve the performance of consecutive provisionings.
Technology stack
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