Łukasz Łukasiewicz

Senior DevOps Engineer

Łukasz Łukasiewicz is a senior DevOps engineer and author on CodiLime's blog. Check out the author's articles on the blog.

Łukasz Łukasiewicz

Recent posts by Łukasz:

Thumbnail of an article about Do you even Zuul? CI system reloaded

Do you even Zuul? CI system reloaded

When we first started, we were given two things to do: resolve issues with builds getting gradually slower and set up a completely new system that Tungsten Fabric could use. Over the years, Tungsten Fabric has received commits from more than 500 contributors and the code is scattered across over 50 repositories. The entire project consists of over 2 million lines of code, written mostly in C++ and Python. In the beginning of the project few major tasks emerged: prepare the CI for the increased involvement of the community;