Michał Witek

Senior Frontend Engineer

Michał Witek is a senior frontend engineer and author on CodiLime's blog. Check out the author's articles on the blog.

Michał Witek

Recent posts by Michał:

Thumbnail of an article about Decoding inheritance: an insight into its use and misuse

Decoding inheritance: an insight into its use and misuse

This article aims to delve into this often-overlooked aspect of engineering. Drawing from my own experiences, I will highlight one of the suboptimal practices I have encountered, which is inheritance.
Thumbnail of an article about Redux and NgRx forms for optimizing form state management

Redux and NgRx forms for optimizing form state management

Have you ever wondered if keeping the form state in Redux makes any sense? In programming, it is often said that the main questions can be answered with the famous phrase, "it depends." Based on my experience, I would agree: the answer truly depends on the specific situation. However, I would like to present and describe certain cases in which it is worth implementing the form state with NgRx forms. Additionally, I will highlight cases that are not worth implementing and provide a bonus solution, though a highly adverse one.
Thumbnail of an article about Angular component state management — how to do it with RxAngular and NgRx

Angular component state management — how to do it with RxAngular and NgRx

State management is already a well-established concept in programming but that does not mean it’s a done deal. Widely used in commercial applications, the concept is still evolving and new ideas are still being developed. In this article, I’m going to focus on web applications built with Angular, however some concepts may be similar and applicable to other frontend frameworks for software development. Let’s begin with a quick reminder about the evolution of state handling in web apps. Around 2015, when the Redux concept was introduced, the only state was the global state app.
Thumbnail of an article about Top 6 frontend trends for 2023 and beyond

Top 6 frontend trends for 2023 and beyond

Trends can come and go rather quickly, and that is especially true for software frontend development. Still, every business owner wants their application to beat the competition, and simply attracting new users is not enough, it is important they continue using the service. Nothing helps in this ongoing battle like making sure your web apps or mobile apps offer the best user experience to customers, which means it is totally worth it to keep up with the latest advancements in the field of frontend development.