Sławomir Skrzeczyński

Frontend Engineer

Sławomir Skrzeczyński is a Frontend Engineer with three years of professional experience in crafting intuitive and dynamic user interfaces. Before transitioning into the tech industry, Sławomir honed his keen eye for detail and aesthetics as a professional photographer. This unique background fuels his passion for creating visually appealing and user-friendly applications. Constantly striving to grow his skill set, Sławomir stays updated with the latest frontend technologies and best practices. When he's not coding, you can find him exploring the great outdoors, drawing inspiration from nature's beauty to infuse creativity into his work.

Sławomir Skrzeczyński

Recent posts by Sławomir:

Thumbnail of an article about A guide to React functional components with TypeScript

A guide to React functional components with TypeScript

This article explores various ways of typing React functional components with TypeScript, starting from basic examples and moving on to more sophisticated use cases. Read the article to discover examples of typing components, including using generic types along with dependency injection. TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that adds a powerful type system to the language, enabling developers to catch type-related errors at compile time and enhance code quality. It has become a popular tool among frontend developers and for good reason.
Thumbnail of an article about CSS vs. SCSS variables — main differences and use cases

CSS vs. SCSS variables — main differences and use cases

This isn't going to be an article about the latest hot new feature. Both CSS and SCSS variables have been around for a long time. SCSS introduced variables in version 2.0 of SASS, released in 2010, and in CSS you’ve been able to use them since CSS3, all the way back in 1999. That being said, these are still powerful tools that can be used to complement each other. Let's talk about the similarities, differences and possible use cases. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a scripting language used to design and style web pages.
Thumbnail of an article about React confetti — let’s celebrate with JavaScript libraries!

React confetti — let’s celebrate with JavaScript libraries!

Anniversaries, big and small achievements, public or religious holidays. We are looking for opportunities to celebrate them in our lives, as it gives us joy and happiness. It can be useful and fun to include this experience even in an otherwise ‘Very Serious And Important Application’. This article will focus on the confetti effect – how can you create it, what solutions can be helpful, and if it is a real thing to celebrate. In the text, you will also find code examples to make this journey more enjoyable!