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UX prototype

What is a UX prototype?

A clickable UX prototype is an interactive version of a product mockup that allows you to show its functionalities and the user’s navigation flow in practice. It is a high-fidelity prototype of a product, but with no backend. A visual design allows you to see how a given functionality works in the context of the entire product. You can then decide whether it makes sense to send it to developers for coding. The UX prototype can be treated as a standalone project, e.g. to prove that your innovative idea for a new product really works and is worth investing in. It can also be a step in the overall development process of a Minimum Viable Product, e.g. to iron out potential wrinkles and ensure the product sent for coding is exactly what your future users expect.

Read more:

Thumbnail of an article about A guide to a UX prototype design

A guide to a UX prototype design

A physical demonstration of your ideas is the best way to check if they really work. For investors, a clickable prototype says more about the product’s business potential than a wordy description. For your clients, user experience is a decisive factor. Read on to see how a UX prototype can help you develop your software product, even those destined for the most complex network systems. In a nutshell, a clickable UX prototype is an interactive version of a product that allows you to show its functionalities and the user’s navigation flow in practice.
Thumbnail of an article about How to build a successful Minimum Viable Product

How to build a successful Minimum Viable Product

Building and releasing a product is a complex process that takes considerable effort, time and money. How can this process be made more efficient? How can you ensure that your ideas will really work in real life? The solution is simple: using an appropriate product development methodology based on the Minimum Viable Product approach will allow you to answer these questions, meet the needs of your customers and achieve your business goals. Before you start building a product, be clear what value it will bring to your customers.
Thumbnail of an article about Why is UX design important and six reasons why you need it

Why is UX design important and six reasons why you need it

Businesses can profit a lot from investing in UX & UI design services. In this article I have put together some arguments you can use to convince company executives why well-designed UX is a strategic asset and why it’s worth finding a reliable partner for UX services. UI/UX design stands for user interface and user experience design. These two elements are crucial to the success of any digital product, including websites, mobile apps, software, and network products. User experience (UX) design focuses on the user's overall experience while interacting with the digital product.
Thumbnail of an article about Best UX design and prototyping tools

Best UX design and prototyping tools

User experience is one of the most important aspects of product development. The main objective is to create a clear environment for users so they can easily navigate through your product. Every successful app, management system, software, platform, or website has to be accessible to the target end user. Designing such an experience requires not only a great idea but also great presentation; to be able to communicate well with your clients and to channel your ideas into something tangible. Designing a UX prototype, of course, being only the first phase of the whole process; later on you have to seek feedback in order to implement upgrades and fixes.
Thumbnail of an article about Proof of concept vs. prototype: know the difference

Proof of concept vs. prototype: know the difference

Every business is looking for new products to increase competitiveness and market share and meet the market’s most pressing needs. Companies want to create novel customer experiences, boost business growth, and launch new business initiatives. However, each well-designed item of software, before the product launch, should be validated with real-world users to verify the business concept. This is possible through a POC (proof of concept) and a product prototype. What are they? How are they different? A POC is an approach that allows businesses to validate the feasibility of new ideas.
Thumbnail of an article about What is and what is not accessibility design?

What is and what is not accessibility design?

While building a new software product, development and UX teams usually focus on its functionality and usability. But do you know if your product is accessible? Why does it even matter? What is the difference between usability and accessibility? Read on to find out what accessible design is, what it isn’t, and how to make it work for your product. In terms of UX and UI, accessibility design is extremely important. The designer should always keep in mind that users might encounter the app or website in many different ways.
Thumbnail of an article about MVP vs. prototype — which one do you need?

MVP vs. prototype — which one do you need?

If you build software, for sure you know that you need to pass through several stages before launching the final product. Choosing the right development technique is one of the most important decisions to make, and the way you validate your business idea is another. Product validation sets your software up for success by challenging assumptions, revealing market demand, and defining explicit direction for product growth. IT businesses commonly use a prototype and a minimum viable product to verify whether their business concept will be embraced by target users and stakeholders.

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