Newsroom>>KubeCon 2019 - highlights
on May 24, 2019

KubeCon 2019 - highlights

CodiLime’s crack team of specialists - Paweł Melon, Paweł Kopka and Piotr Skamruk - has returned from KubeCon, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference, which took place on 20th - 23rd of May in Barcelona, Spain. The conference gathered people from the cloud native and open source communities. Without further ado, here are their fresh insights, hot off to the press.

Pre-conference events

Before the conference started, on May 20th, there was an entire series of pre-conference events. During one of them, Cloud Native Network Services Day      link-icon, Paweł Kopka, Team Leader and Software Engineer at CodiLime, gave a talk: Opening a gate in the cloud for Zuul. Create a pipeline to test deployment on clouds. Paweł showed a pipeline created on the strength of numerous trials and failures. He went job by job through the entire deployment and testing on a public cloud. He also shared his own experience with keeping clouds clean, protecting from cost overruns and how to secure credentials and share them with CI system using Vault.

All the attendees seemed to agree that  CI/CD methodology is among the most important things for the network software solutions development. Without it, progress in network development is impossible.

KubeCon Keynotes

Presentations we liked the most

Networking events

During the conference there were also a variety of SIG (Special Interest Group) meetings. One that was particularly interesting for us was Network Plumbing Working Group meetup, during which we discussed what can be done to connect, and do so dynamically, numerous network interfaces and IP configurations on them to a single pod in Kubernetes.


With nearly 8000 people attending, KubeCon 2019 was a huge event.  KubeCon USA, slated for November 2019, will see up to 12,000. As for the most recent event, even though the temperature was 20-24 Celsius degrees, it seemed much hotter thanks to Barcelona’s Mediterranean climate. Definitely, the hot topic was a network service mesh. The size of the conference meant stretching our legs a lot to reach the far-flung presentations we really wanted to see. While that was exhausting, all the talk kept our eyes open and provided us a great opportunity to talk live and exchange views and opinions with those responsible for important cloud native projects and hear how they intend to develop them further. There were also providers of software and hardware solutions, with whom we exchanged opinions and learned from. Without a doubt, though, the keynote on Higgs’ boson stole the show.

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