Tomasz Janaszka

Solutions Architect

Tomasz Janaszka is a solutions architect with over 20 years of experience in the telco/IT industry. He is a doctor of technical sciences in the field of telecommunications and an experienced engineer who has worked for many years in research and operational projects. He has worked as a leader, as a solution architect and as a developer in projects covering networks design, capacity planning, traffic engineering, load balancing, resources optimization and focusing on software solutions supporting automation of business processes related to network management. Currently working in CodiLime’s R&D department, he explores AI/ML technology looking for practical applications in various networking aspects. Tomasz is the author and the co–author of several scientific publications and a speaker at conferences, webinars and technical workshops.

Tomasz  Janaszka



Recent posts by Tomasz :

Thumbnail of an article about Unlocking the power of MLOps: revolutionizing machine learning deployment

Unlocking the power of MLOps: revolutionizing machine learning deployment

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly gained in popularity, revolutionizing numerous industries. However, despite the rapid advancements and widespread adoption of AI technologies, a significant challenge persists.
Thumbnail of an article about AI and Machine Learning for Networks: natural language processing and reinforcement learning

AI and Machine Learning for Networks: natural language processing and reinforcement learning

This is the third part of the series, where we focus on the next two classes of ML methods: natural language processing and reinforcement learning. Also, we outline the major challenges of applying various ideas for ML techniques to network problems. This part also summarizes all three parts of the blog post. The first part can be found here, and the second part can be found here. Natural language processing is a part of AI which allows computer programs to understand statements and words written in human language.
Thumbnail of an article about AI and Machine Learning for Networks: classification, clustering and anomaly detection

AI and Machine Learning for Networks: classification, clustering and anomaly detection

This is the second article in the series AI/ML for networks. In this article we focus on the two classes of ML methods: classification and clustering. We also mention anomaly detection, which is an important topic in the context of network-related data processing where various classes of ML algorithms can be used. The first article of the series can be found here. In machine learning, classification is a supervised learning problem of identifying to which category an observation (or observations) belongs to (see Figure 1).
Thumbnail of an article about AI and Machine Learning for Networks: time series forecasting and regression

AI and Machine Learning for Networks: time series forecasting and regression

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are trending topics in all technological domains. They offer a rich set of methods for data processing that can be used to solve practical problems, including those occurring in networks. We have prepared a series of articles to give you a better look at the various methods you can use for solving specific network issues. In a series of three articles, we present classes of AI/ML methods and algorithms that should play a key role in networking, considering the network/related data types they work on as well as specific types of problem they can help to solve.