Blog>>Deep dive

BLOG / Deep dive

Thumbnail of an article about The benefits of Pod Security Policy — a use case

The benefits of Pod Security Policy — a use case

In the previous post I looked at how security is handled in Kubernetes. Let’s now see how it works in practice. One of the most powerful controllers is the Pod Security Policy admission controller (PSP). PSP is a cluster-level security mechanism that enables control over sensitive aspects of pod specification. It allows you to define a set of conditions a pod must meet in order to be accepted into the system.The following use case illustrates how it works. Let’s assume that we have a shared file system
Thumbnail of an article about How to use NVIDIA GPUs with Kubernetes — CodiLime approach

How to use NVIDIA GPUs with Kubernetes — CodiLime approach

The combination of NVIDIA GPUs, to allow computing power to be harnessed, and Kubernetes, responsible for managing containerization, may seem like a perfect marriage of two complementary tools, and an obvious solution. Yet, at the technical level, this combination, like many marriages, turned out to be more tricky than might have been expected. Read this blogpost to find out how CodiLime managed to find a way to deal with this matter. Let’s introduce the main characters then: NVIDIA GPUs (Graphic Processing Units) are powerful tools used to accelerate computationally-intensive tasks.
Thumbnail of an article about Debugging Nginx Ingress in Kubernetes — a study in (Codi)Lime  

Debugging Nginx Ingress in Kubernetes — a study in (Codi)Lime  

This story comes with everything one needs to tell the perfect noir detective story. There’s an investigation, a mysterious victim and a silent psycho mass-murderer. Only the setting is changed, with Kubernetes clusters instead of Victorian era London and the CodiLime team smoking Sherlock Holmes’ pipe. So pour yourself some whiskey, light up a cigar and enjoy your reading! Kubernetes is currently one of the most popular open-source systems for deploying and managing applications. Yet it wouldn’t be so useful without Ingress, a tool that enables the outer world to contact the components within Kubernetes by using HTTP or an HTTPS protocol.
Thumbnail of an article about Sharing configuration between your CI, build and development environments

Sharing configuration between your CI, build and development environments

This post is a follow-up to our presentation at the OpenStack Summit in Berlin, where we discussed maintaining a unified CI and building pipelines using the open source CI system, Zuul. You’ll find a recording of the talk here and a related OpenStack Superuser writeup here. I thought it would be useful for some of you to expand the concept of unifying environments and to include also the development one. I will also explain why this may help you ensure your project is progressing smoothly. DevOps practitioners are always on the lookout for ways to optimize and bulletproof their development workflows.
Thumbnail of an article about Do you even Zuul? CI system reloaded

Do you even Zuul? CI system reloaded

When we first started, we were given two things to do: resolve issues with builds getting gradually slower and set up a completely new system that Tungsten Fabric could use. Over the years, Tungsten Fabric has received commits from more than 500 contributors and the code is scattered across over 50 repositories. The entire project consists of over 2 million lines of code, written mostly in C++ and Python. In the beginning of the project few major tasks emerged: prepare the CI for the increased involvement of the community;
Thumbnail of an article about Webpack 3 to webpack 4: tips on migrating

Webpack 3 to webpack 4: tips on migrating

Having heard a lot about speed improvements, we recently migrated from webpack 3 to webpack 4. The results have been astonishing: our average build time improved by 30%, and hot-reloading by 83%! This article covers the following topics:1. The key benefits of migration2. How webpack 3 compares to webpack 4 in terms of build time3. How to effectively migrate from webpack 3 to webpack 44. The pitfalls to avoidI’ll start by saying our project is humongous, so builds are pretty slow. Our hot-update recently got so slow, in fact, that we decided something had to be done.
Thumbnail of an article about Debugging faultily inherited file handles on Microsoft Windows

Debugging faultily inherited file handles on Microsoft Windows

Some time ago we fixed issues with multi-thread building in SConscripts. Since then, we have encountered strange, flaky compilation errors occurring randomly in about 5% of our builds. We couldn’t leave it that way - our Windows CI is used by many developers working on multiple parts of the system and we must ensure that it is 100% stable. We all know those pesky flaky bugs that won’t let us sleep peacefully. A menace to developers, they are happening once a week and are impossible to catch and debug.

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