Blog>>Deep dive

BLOG / Deep dive

Thumbnail of an article about Network Interface Card (NIC) Testing — the optimal environment setup

Network Interface Card (NIC) Testing — the optimal environment setup

As we can see in Ethernet Alliance’s 2023 Roadmap, we can now use link speeds up to 400Gb/s. Speeds 800Gb/s and 1.6Tb/s are “in development” and 3.2Tb/s is marked as a “possible future speed” for the 2030s. Compared to 10Mb/s in the 1980s, now we have devices functioning 40,000 times faster! With such acceleration, Jules Verne’s “Around the World in Eighty Days” would be called “Around the World in 2.88 Minutes”. The goal you need to achieve during test environment preparation is that the tested network interface card (also called a NIC, network interface controller, or network adapter) will be a bottleneck in the hardware configuration.
Thumbnail of an article about Bazel build system: build containerized applications faster

Bazel build system: build containerized applications faster

For the last nine months, I’ve been working on a large migration of multiple interconnected software projects from the CMake to the Bazel build system. While doing so, I’ve learned about Bazel’s capability for building and publishing container images. Bazel is a multi-language build system with a strong focus on hermeticity, which means that when given the same source code, Bazel will produce the same build artifacts, even on different machines (if properly configured). This property allows you to set up a remote cache for the artifacts that you can share between your developers and continuous integration (CI) system to significantly speed up your workflow.
Thumbnail of an article about  GitOps vs. DevOps — what is the difference?

GitOps vs. DevOps — what is the difference?

The world of software development is constantly evolving, with new approaches and methodologies emerging to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the development process. Two of the most popular methodologies are GitOps and DevOps. While they share some similarities, there are also some key differences between them. DevOps is a methodology that emphasizes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. The goal is to streamline the development process, reduce time to market, and ensure high-quality software.
Thumbnail of an article about Introduction to time series for machine learning

Introduction to time series for machine learning

Data is becoming an integral part of everyday life. Even if we are not fully aware of it, we deal with it all the time and it affects our lives in significant ways. This blog post elaborates on a particular type of data: time series. If you want to know more and discover what problems you can solve with time series analysis, you've come to the right place. Have you ever wondered how much data is created (including newly generated, captured, copied, or consumed data) each day? Currently it is 0.33 zettabytes every day!
Thumbnail of an article about Detecting patterns, uncovering insights: the crucial role of data monitoring

Detecting patterns, uncovering insights: the crucial role of data monitoring

In our digital era, data is a crucial resource for a wide range of industries. The ability to manage, interpret, and derive insights from the overwhelming flood of information is essential. This is where the role of data monitoring becomes significant - a process that oversees and reviews data to ensure its quality, assess system performance, and guarantee data security. Data monitoring is a well-structured method that provides a comprehensive understanding of the state and flow of data throughout its life cycle.
Thumbnail of an article about GitOps — which tools should you choose?

GitOps — which tools should you choose?

In today's fast-paced tech landscape, software development teams are constantly seeking new ways to improve efficiency and speed up the release process. GitOps has emerged as a powerful way to streamline the software delivery process. As GitOps tools have quickly become a go-to solution for many organizations, it is essential to research the right tools to meet your project needs and requirements. In this article, you will find an overview of some of the GitOps tools on the market and their key features highlighted.
Thumbnail of an article about The importance and benefits of unit testing

The importance and benefits of unit testing

Ensuring code quality and reliability is critical in the modern software development world. One of the possible solutions to achieving this goal is unit testing. Unit testing involves breaking down software into smaller components or units and subjecting them to rigorous testing. It helps identify bugs and errors early on and provides benefits that significantly enhance the development process. In this article, we delve into the importance of unit testing and explore its various benefits to developers and businesses.
Thumbnail of an article about iPerf testing — overview and basic use case

iPerf testing — overview and basic use case

iPerf is a versatile and powerful tool that has become essential for network administrators and IT professionals alike. Designed to measure the performance and throughput of a network, iPerf provides valuable insights into network bandwidth capacity, latency, and packet loss. By simulating real-world traffic conditions, iPerf enables users to assess network performance, identify bottlenecks, and optimize their infrastructure. In this article, we explore how iPerf works and delve into a practical use case to understand its effectiveness in network diagnostics and optimization.
Thumbnail of an article about AI and Machine Learning for Networks: natural language processing and reinforcement learning

AI and Machine Learning for Networks: natural language processing and reinforcement learning

This is the third part of the series, where we focus on the next two classes of ML methods: natural language processing and reinforcement learning. Also, we outline the major challenges of applying various ideas for ML techniques to network problems. This part also summarizes all three parts of the blog post. The first part can be found here, and the second part can be found here. Natural language processing is a part of AI which allows computer programs to understand statements and words written in human language.

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