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Product design involves crafting user-centered, functional, and esthetically pleasing products. It combines esthetics, usability, and functionality to create solutions that resonate with users and meet their needs.

Thumbnail of an article about The guide to digital product design

The guide to digital product design

Making an intuitive and user-friendly digital product is a complex process. It usually includes steps such as market research, ideating, prototyping, validation, and constant development - and teamwork of many months involving many product designers. explore how the design process looks in the digital world, including best practices and recommended tools from our team of product designers.
Thumbnail of an article about Product design stages: how to make a product modern and accessible

Product design stages: how to make a product modern and accessible

We will show you how to ensure your product design is in line with the necessary accessibility and inclusivity requirements. Read on to discover how to meet the needs of a diverse audience.
Thumbnail of an article about Guide to a project kickoff meeting — UX Design

Guide to a project kickoff meeting — UX Design

The kickoff meeting is an essential stage of any software development process involving UI and UX design. After the ideation workshops, during which the software design and development team work hand in hand to understand and act upon the business requirements of the product, the kickoff meeting is the chance to agree on the strategy and tactics for a project’s success. So, what is the nature of this meeting, what goals should it meet and how should it be conducted to ensure a clear and efficient path for the work that has to be done?
Thumbnail of an article about Product design vs UX design — what is the difference?

Product design vs UX design — what is the difference?

The creation of a product, whether physical or software, is a challenging process. It is complex and consists of many stages. It also requires a team of various experts, each of them having a different set of skills and experience. Sometimes the positions might seem similar, almost the same even. Especially in the digital design realm, the responsibilities of particular individuals might overlap, which surprisingly could empower this complex and hard process. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding the responsibilities of product designers and UX designers.
Thumbnail of an article about How to use the Google HEART framework to set up user-centered metrics

How to use the Google HEART framework to set up user-centered metrics

A seamless user experience is essential if you want your software to work effectively and fulfill its business objectives. However, building a user-friendly app or website is only possible with thorough UX research. The larger the organization, the more difficult it can be to collect the data. To meet the needs of large-scale businesses, in 2010, Google UX research experts came up with a perfect way to measure the user experience. They created the HEART framework that specifically targets this kind of measurement.
Thumbnail of an article about Key principles of Digital Product Design

Key principles of Digital Product Design

How to create an outstanding digital product? With so many unlucky startups, an ever-changing market, and an extremely high demand for digital products, everyone needs an answer to this question. This article will try to explain what exactly a digital product design is, the steps to accomplish it, and its main objectives. Dive in to find out the main principles of digital product design and how you can implement them in your design process. Product design is a process that includes every step taken to bring a product to life, starting with the initial vision up until the final product launch and its future iterations.
Thumbnail of an article about Why is discovery research essential for your product?

Why is discovery research essential for your product?

One of the biggest mistakes while creating a new software product is neglecting discovery research. This fundamental part of product development can help you understand the market and create a product best-suited to customers' needs. This investigation process gives a deep understanding of what customers want, expect and worry about, therefore it will benefit users, the development team and the growing business. It makes the process of software development so much smoother. Discovery research, also called exploratory or generative research, is an investigation process designed to help understand users' needs.

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