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Data science involves the application of scientific methodologies, algorithms, and tools to extract knowledge and insights from data. This interdisciplinary field combines statistics, machine learning, and domain expertise to analyze large datasets and make data-driven decisions. Data science plays a crucial role in solving complex problems, predicting trends, and supporting evidence-based strategies.

Thumbnail of an article about Unlocking the power of MLOps: revolutionizing machine learning deployment

Unlocking the power of MLOps: revolutionizing machine learning deployment

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly gained in popularity, revolutionizing numerous industries. However, despite the rapid advancements and widespread adoption of AI technologies, a significant challenge persists.
Thumbnail of an article about Long-term time series forecasting: an insight into the methods

Long-term time series forecasting: an insight into the methods

In this article, we describe the use case and reasoning for long-term traffic forecasting, next we focus on the methods we used, and discuss alternative approaches and challenges to overcome.
Thumbnail of an article about Private Slack Chatbot: an integration of corporate resources and large language models (LLMs)

Private Slack Chatbot: an integration of corporate resources and large language models (LLMs)

Ever since the debut of ChatGPT, large language models have taken the limelight. Their breadth of knowledge is nothing short of remarkable. From drafting emails on our behalf to assisting in code development, these models showcase extensive general knowledge. Yet, a notable limitation is their unfamiliarity with specific details related to our companies, such as sensitive documents, company policies, and the like. The idea of interacting with our personal documents through such models is undoubtedly intriguing.
Thumbnail of an article about Introduction to time series for machine learning

Introduction to time series for machine learning

Data is becoming an integral part of everyday life. Even if we are not fully aware of it, we deal with it all the time and it affects our lives in significant ways. This blog post elaborates on a particular type of data: time series. If you want to know more and discover what problems you can solve with time series analysis, you've come to the right place. Have you ever wondered how much data is created (including newly generated, captured, copied, or consumed data) each day? Currently it is 0.33 zettabytes every day!
Thumbnail of an article about AI and Machine Learning for Networks: natural language processing and reinforcement learning

AI and Machine Learning for Networks: natural language processing and reinforcement learning

This is the third part of the series, where we focus on the next two classes of ML methods: natural language processing and reinforcement learning. Also, we outline the major challenges of applying various ideas for ML techniques to network problems. This part also summarizes all three parts of the blog post. The first part can be found here, and the second part can be found here. Natural language processing is a part of AI which allows computer programs to understand statements and words written in human language.
Thumbnail of an article about AI and Machine Learning for Networks: classification, clustering and anomaly detection

AI and Machine Learning for Networks: classification, clustering and anomaly detection

This is the second article in the series AI/ML for networks. In this article we focus on the two classes of ML methods: classification and clustering. We also mention anomaly detection, which is an important topic in the context of network-related data processing where various classes of ML algorithms can be used. The first article of the series can be found here. In machine learning, classification is a supervised learning problem of identifying to which category an observation (or observations) belongs to (see Figure 1).

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