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Frontend development focuses on creating the user interface of a website or application. Frontend developers work with various technologies to design and build the visual elements that users interact with. Effective frontend development is essential for delivering a seamless and enjoyable user experience, regardless of the device or browser used.

Thumbnail of an article about Frontend security: API’s key risks and how to mitigate them

Frontend security: API’s key risks and how to mitigate them

In this article, we're diving deep into the world of vulnerabilities – understanding what they are, why they evolve, and how knowledge of them helps us to better protect our applications and their users.
Thumbnail of an article about IIFE: a (wrongfully?) forgotten JavaScript pattern

IIFE: a (wrongfully?) forgotten JavaScript pattern

This article revisits the IIFE pattern, exploring its origins, utility, and potential reasons for its diminished presence in contemporary codebases, while evaluating if it still holds value for modern JavaScript developers.
Thumbnail of an article about Decoding inheritance: an insight into its use and misuse

Decoding inheritance: an insight into its use and misuse

This article aims to delve into this often-overlooked aspect of engineering. Drawing from my own experiences, I will highlight one of the suboptimal practices I have encountered, which is inheritance.
Thumbnail of an article about A guide to React functional components with TypeScript

A guide to React functional components with TypeScript

This article explores various ways of typing React functional components with TypeScript, starting from basic examples and moving on to more sophisticated use cases. Read the article to discover examples of typing components, including using generic types along with dependency injection. TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that adds a powerful type system to the language, enabling developers to catch type-related errors at compile time and enhance code quality. It has become a popular tool among frontend developers and for good reason.
Thumbnail of an article about Redux and NgRx forms for optimizing form state management

Redux and NgRx forms for optimizing form state management

Have you ever wondered if keeping the form state in Redux makes any sense? In programming, it is often said that the main questions can be answered with the famous phrase, "it depends." Based on my experience, I would agree: the answer truly depends on the specific situation. However, I would like to present and describe certain cases in which it is worth implementing the form state with NgRx forms. Additionally, I will highlight cases that are not worth implementing and provide a bonus solution, though a highly adverse one.
Thumbnail of an article about What is micro-frontend architecture? A comprehensive overview

What is micro-frontend architecture? A comprehensive overview

Modern customers have more requirements for a web app than ever before. With the wide choice of mobile and web applications that exists today, it is not enough for an application to simply fulfill its functions as advertised. It also has to be highly available, scalable, and fast, and updates and new features have to come out regularly, and without a hitch. For quite some time already, creating a successful modern web application has meant overcoming the limitations of a monolithic backend. One of the most popular approaches for that is using microservices for your backend development.
Thumbnail of an article about Projects in Remix: best practices and lessons learned

Projects in Remix: best practices and lessons learned

Remix is a popular React framework, often used for its ease and speed of development for web applications. However, just like any technology, it has its shortcomings. They are not visible at first sight - you might come across them only once you’ve started a project using this technology. In this article, an experienced developer shares his mistakes to avoid and best practices to follow while working on web applications in Remix. Remix is a React-based frontend framework curated by React ecosystem veterans.
Thumbnail of an article about Navigating the module maze: history of JavaScript module systems

Navigating the module maze: history of JavaScript module systems

JavaScript was designed to handle uncomplicated scripting tasks that we know from everyday life - handling events, updating content, etc. However, nowadays we write huge and complex apps in JS. This distinction between initial design and current usage is a root cause of a lot of frustration in the JS community. Let’s look at one of these causes of frustration and confusion: modules. Modules were one of those topics which I've never felt like I fully grasped. I knew about ESM and CJS, the differences between them, and some history.

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