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Backend development delves into the foundational elements of software applications, including server-side logic, databases, and application architecture, crafting robust digital infrastructures for seamless functionality.

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Golang code refactoring: Best practices and a practical use case

Anyone working as a software engineer has experienced diving into existing code written by another person or team. Despite many articles, courses, and blog posts that emphasize the need to write clean and tested code, the reality never really lives up to the idealistic picture presented to us. Inexperience and deadlines, among many other reasons, can leave code repositories with suboptimal documentation, resulting in a constant need for refactoring and a growing to-do list. In this blog post, I would like to invite you to take a peek at the ongoing development of one such repository my team has inherited.
Thumbnail of an article about Best practices for Python code quality — linters

Best practices for Python code quality — linters

When developing and maintaining software, code quality is of paramount importance. Being confident that code is readable and therefore easier to maintain and more efficient not only makes it easier for developers to work together, but also significantly reduces the likelihood of errors. One effective way to maintain high quality and at the same time ease of use is to use Python linter tools. These tools are helpful in ensuring Python code is clean, consistent and error-free, resulting in a streamlined development process and a better final product.
Thumbnail of an article about Embracing Tox: a powerful automation tool for Python projects

Embracing Tox: a powerful automation tool for Python projects

Python has become a popular choice among developers thanks to its versatility, readability, and vast library ecosystem. However, as with any programming language, these projects can become complicated, especially when you need to support multiple Python versions and various dependencies. This is where tox steps in as a powerful automation tool to streamline your project's testing, building, and deployment processes. In this blog post, we'll explore what tox is, the problems it solves, its capabilities, how it's used to automate and standardize testing, and how you can integrate it into your CI/CD pipeline.
Thumbnail of an article about 25 backend tools to facilitate web development

25 backend tools to facilitate web development

We all know that appearance matters. However, when it comes to web applications, it is definitely not enough. Your end users might come for the beautiful layout and intuitive interface, but if your application is slow, full of errors, or crashes often, you won’t be able to retain clients. That is why in software development, it is important to pay equal attention to both the backend and frontend of your application. In software, the backend is everything that makes the app work behind the scenes. It connects the frontend, that is, the user-facing part of the application, with the database, where the data is stored.
Thumbnail of an article about Why is Rust programming language so popular?

Why is Rust programming language so popular?

Rust was created to ensure high performance similar to that offered by C and C++,but with emphasis on code safety, the lack of which is the Achilles heel of these two languages. However, Rust has more than just memory safety on its side. High performance while processing large amounts of data, support for concurrent programming, and this together with an effective compiler are other reasons why well-known software heavyweights now use this programming language. Firefox, Dropbox, Cloudflare, and many other companies from startups to large corporations use Rust in production.
Thumbnail of an article about Top 7 code coverage tools for Java

Top 7 code coverage tools for Java

It is not a secret that writing code can sometimes take less time than making sure it works correctly. Running tests is crucial to guarantee the new build of your software has a successful release. Automating this task can save a lot of time for your developers and reduce time to market. But how can you be sure the tests you run are efficient enough? It is logical to strive to test as much of your code and as thoroughly as possible. That is why, for example, unit testing is used; it allows testing of smaller, logically isolated pieces of code like a property or a function.
Thumbnail of an article about Golang errors and how to handle them

Golang errors and how to handle them

Many programming languages base their error handling around exceptions. Some of them use exceptions when handling abnormal situations, while others use exceptions as a normal redirection in a control flow. For example, an object in Python throws the StopIteration exception when the iterator is exhausted. Go has a rather unique way of handling errors that is very different from the traditional focus on exceptions. In this article, I’ll take a closer look at Go errors and describe how handling them differs from dealing with this issue in other programming languages.
Thumbnail of an article about Dealing with private repositories, Go modules, Docker and CircleCI

Dealing with private repositories, Go modules, Docker and CircleCI

While developing one of our recent projects, as a team, we decided to implement our microservices application in the mono repository. This idea allows us to sync versions between services easily, even in one commit. However, we’re not keeping this solution for ourselves. Seeing great value in it, we open-sourced one of the microservices for the community. We decided to change our private GitHub repository to be open to the public when we were ready, but before we had to find answers to questions like:
Thumbnail of an article about Rust vs. Python: which would suit your project better?

Rust vs. Python: which would suit your project better?

Both Rust and Python are widely-recognizable names in the developer’s world. Python stepped into the IT field more than three decades ago. Rust is a younger technology but it is gaining popularity, both when it comes to developers and businesses. The question is: is Rust better than Python? Or is it maybe the over way around? This article will not provide simple answers because there are no winners or losers here. Both Python and Rust have a lot to offer, and they are great, robust technologies. This text will guide you through these programming languages’ features and show how they fit with specific projects - everything you need for the Rust/Python big picture to better understand when to choose one over the other.
Thumbnail of an article about Learning Go for C++ developers — differences and insights

Learning Go for C++ developers — differences and insights

Some people enjoy discovering new songs, bands and genres. Others prefer listening to the songs they already know. One could say the same about programming languages. I've been listening most often to the song of C++, which I just enjoyed building my expertise in. Also Python was a recurring beat. Recently, having started a new project, I've been asked to learn the song of Go. This post is not supposed to be any kind of introduction to Go’s learning path. I just wanted to share some of my "Aha!" moments and analogies from the ongoing process of learning Go, from the perspective of the C++ genre.

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