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Rust is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose language. This programming language is well-known for its higher level of memory safety, without using a garbage collector, compared to C++ with which Rust is often compared. In Rust, memory management is manual, allowing the developer to control this process better.

Rust vs. other languages

Rust is considered as an alternative to C and C++ with a strong focus on code safety. In  C ++, it's much easier to overlook problems in the code. It is also common to compare the speed of Rust vs C.

Rust still isn't as popular in game development as C++, mainly because it's a newer language with fewer frameworks. However, with increased interest in Rust, its use in game development is gaining more and more favor.

In Rust, developers are able to create mutable references or multiple immutable references. For that reason, Rust can resolve common memory errors without a garbage collector, which ensures a higher performance in Rust than in Golang.

Both Rust and Go are good choices for building web services, command-line interfaces (CLIs), and system programs, etc. 

Rust and Python have different focuses and strengths. Rust prioritizes safety, speed, and concurrency, while Python emphasizes readability, ease of use, and versatility. Rust is typically faster than Python and has a lower memory footprint, making it a good choice for performance-critical applications. Python has a larger library ecosystem and is easier to learn, making it better for rapid prototyping and general-purpose programming. 

When to use Rust?

The Rust programming language is a good choice for projects that involve: 

  • system programming, when you have to control low-level details, 
  • a necessity to ensure high performance – Rust can replace crucial software parts without the need to rewrite the whole code,
  • embedded and bare-metal development. 

Why use Rust language?

Rust offers high performance without compromising memory safety and has strong support for concurrent programming. A growing and active community looks after language development. What is also important is the number of Rust packages at the crates.io repository is still increasing, and this programming language ensures backwards compatibility and stability.

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Thumbnail of an article about Why is Rust programming language so popular?

Why is Rust programming language so popular?

Rust was created to ensure high performance similar to that offered by C and C++,but with emphasis on code safety, the lack of which is the Achilles heel of these two languages. However, Rust has more than just memory safety on its side. High performance while processing large amounts of data, support for concurrent programming, and this together with an effective compiler are other reasons why well-known software heavyweights now use this programming language. Firefox, Dropbox, Cloudflare, and many other companies from startups to large corporations use Rust in production.
Thumbnail of an article about Rust vs Go —  what do you need to know about these programming languages?

Rust vs Go — what do you need to know about these programming languages?

According to the Stack Overflow Development Survey 2021, both Rust and Go (known also as Golang) have a special place in developers' hearts. According to the survey, these programming languages are loved by almost 87% and 63% of the respondents, respectively. This score puts Rust at the top of the list. However, does Rust deserve to be the developers' blue-eyed boy? In this article, I will compare these two popular solutions, covering aspects like memory management, concurrency, tools, performance, learnability, and more – to give a big picture view of Rust and Go.
Thumbnail of an article about Rust projects — why large IT companies use Rust?

Rust projects — why large IT companies use Rust?

Choosing the right technology for the project is not an easy decision and depends on many factors. If a programming language does not meet the application’s requirements, the project can fail. Nobody wants to lose time and money because of a rash decision. More and more, Rust is an option on the table, but many enterprises prefer to keep it at arm’s length. Why? This technology is younger than well-known, older veterans like C and C++ and has not had enough time to prove itself. Read the article to check out what is Rust used for in IT and how other large IT companies use Rust lang in production and why you also should be ready for it.
Thumbnail of an article about Rust vs. Python: which would suit your project better?

Rust vs. Python: which would suit your project better?

Both Rust and Python are widely-recognizable names in the developer’s world. Python stepped into the IT field more than three decades ago. Rust is a younger technology but it is gaining popularity, both when it comes to developers and businesses. The question is: is Rust better than Python? Or is it maybe the over way around? This article will not provide simple answers because there are no winners or losers here. Both Python and Rust have a lot to offer, and they are great, robust technologies. This text will guide you through these programming languages’ features and show how they fit with specific projects - everything you need for the Rust/Python big picture to better understand when to choose one over the other.

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