
BLOG / Operations


Operations provide insights into the day-to-day operational intricacies of managing network/infrastructure to ensure stability, performance, and responsiveness for seamless business operations.

Thumbnail of an article about CI/CD of CI/CD — how to avoid technical debt while delivering cutting edge software

CI/CD of CI/CD — how to avoid technical debt while delivering cutting edge software

When a company’s core business is delivering software, the tools it chooses to use are crucial to maintaining efficiency. Thus there is no reason to deliver CI/CD software in a model other than CI/CD. After we deliver shiny new CI/CD software to our clients, the work is hardly done. The software ages and the technical debt runs up. According to Deloitte, the typical application comes with $3.61 worth of technical debt per line of code. That debt accounts for every fast-but-imperfect patch or app architecture that ages and also makes innovations hard to apply.
Thumbnail of an article about Legacy code: a time bomb for your business?

Legacy code: a time bomb for your business?

Due to a technical failure, Delta Airlines had to cancel 2,300 flights. The problem was neither in the planes nor the company’s infrastructure. The reason for the chaos, clients' disappointment and the subsequent cut in profit guidance for the third quarter was simply aging software. This article will explain: What legacy code is? Why it is presenting companies with such a challenge? How we solve such problems? The problem with aging software and legacy apps afflicts every industry, from banking to insurance to telecommunications.

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