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DevOps is an approach to software development that is based on lean or agile practices. It combines tools and methods from software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). DevOps improves responsiveness to market needs and shortens the software development life cycle (SDLC) and time-to-market.

Thumbnail of an article about Exploring Spotify’s Backstage for streamlined software development

Exploring Spotify’s Backstage for streamlined software development

Backstage is a way to support developers in all phases of software development. If utilized properly, it can ensure consistency in the technologies used by often-separate teams, ensuring that agreed upon standards for deployment and observability are followed.
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Accelerating delivery: why CI/CD is important for your company

Every stage of the software development life cycle is important in its own way. However, we all know that it is when the code goes into a production environment that the price of an error becomes especially high. It doesn’t matter if it is the first release of your software or a new build with important updates, a serious bug can cost your company and your customers a lot of money. The solution for this might seem obvious: just carry out more thorough testing. But the longer you spend on testing, the more your customers will have to wait.
Thumbnail of an article about How to avoid code duplication in Jenkinsfiles?

How to avoid code duplication in Jenkinsfiles?

When you work with Jenkins pipelines it is pretty common that you create a pipeline and then after some time you need a similar pipeline with just a few small changes. Common practice in this case is to just copy the Jenkinsfile from the first job and make these small changes. But adopting this approach leaves a lot of code duplication in the two Jenkinsfiles. And since a Jenkinsfile is pipeline as code it should follow the same good practices as other pieces of code. And code repetition is not good practice.
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7 benefits of DevOps that will impact your business

In the traditional software development life cycle, there were separate teams dedicated to fulfilling specific tasks, like coding, testing, and deploying the final build in the production environment. These teams’ priorities often clashed with each other. Developers wanted to finish writing the code as fast as possible, so that the customers could access new features. However, the IT operations team, responsible for running the production site, was primarily focused on implementing the new changes safely and responsibly, which could be quite time-consuming.
Thumbnail of an article about DevOps lifecycle: everything you need to know

DevOps lifecycle: everything you need to know

DevOps is transforming how software is built and deployed by offering a more collaborative working environment and bridging the gaps between development, operations, and quality assurance. However, to fully profit from all the advantages that DevOps has to offer, it is recommended to adopt the complete DevOps lifecycle process. In this article, we’ll explain the DevOps lifecycle, its phases, and the tools used to build software. DevOps is a widely used methodology and is already well-known in the IT industry.
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What is CI/CD — all you need to know

The CI/CD process is now one of the essential paradigms in modern software development, oriented on delivery and quality. Continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment benefit both software development and business. But what exactly stands behind the acronym CI/CD, and what is its added value? CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment or Continuous Delivery (CD). Although the basics of each are relatively similar, there are fundamental differences that define the key beneficiaries, and the results that can be achieved.
Thumbnail of an article about CI/CD tools in DevOps — which should you choose?

CI/CD tools in DevOps — which should you choose?

Automation is now a must in software development if a business wants to keep pace with dynamic market trends and customer needs. It helps with process optimization and makes the most of the budget. DevOps is an approach that allows businesses to achieve these goals as it implements a set of norms and practices. However, to make the final product really stand out, it is worth supporting the process with tools that facilitate DevOps engineers' work. CI/CD, or Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery or Continuous Deployment (CD), is one of the core paradigms in software development that benefit both process and business, thanks to its focus on delivery and quality.

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