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Frontend development focuses on creating the user interface of a website or application. Frontend developers work with various technologies to design and build the visual elements that users interact with. Effective frontend development is essential for delivering a seamless and enjoyable user experience, regardless of the device or browser used.

Thumbnail of an article about Projects in Remix: best practices and lessons learned

Projects in Remix: best practices and lessons learned

Remix is a popular React framework, often used for its ease and speed of development for web applications. However, just like any technology, it has its shortcomings. They are not visible at first sight - you might come across them only once you’ve started a project using this technology. In this article, an experienced developer shares his mistakes to avoid and best practices to follow while working on web applications in Remix. Remix is a React-based frontend framework curated by React ecosystem veterans.
Thumbnail of an article about Navigating the module maze: history of JavaScript module systems

Navigating the module maze: history of JavaScript module systems

JavaScript was designed to handle uncomplicated scripting tasks that we know from everyday life - handling events, updating content, etc. However, nowadays we write huge and complex apps in JS. This distinction between initial design and current usage is a root cause of a lot of frustration in the JS community. Let’s look at one of these causes of frustration and confusion: modules. Modules were one of those topics which I've never felt like I fully grasped. I knew about ESM and CJS, the differences between them, and some history.
Thumbnail of an article about CSS vs. SCSS variables — main differences and use cases

CSS vs. SCSS variables — main differences and use cases

This isn't going to be an article about the latest hot new feature. Both CSS and SCSS variables have been around for a long time. SCSS introduced variables in version 2.0 of SASS, released in 2010, and in CSS you’ve been able to use them since CSS3, all the way back in 1999. That being said, these are still powerful tools that can be used to complement each other. Let's talk about the similarities, differences and possible use cases. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a scripting language used to design and style web pages.
Thumbnail of an article about Angular component state management — how to do it with RxAngular and NgRx

Angular component state management — how to do it with RxAngular and NgRx

State management is already a well-established concept in programming but that does not mean it’s a done deal. Widely used in commercial applications, the concept is still evolving and new ideas are still being developed. In this article, I’m going to focus on web applications built with Angular, however some concepts may be similar and applicable to other frontend frameworks for software development. Let’s begin with a quick reminder about the evolution of state handling in web apps. Around 2015, when the Redux concept was introduced, the only state was the global state app.
Thumbnail of an article about React confetti — let’s celebrate with JavaScript libraries!

React confetti — let’s celebrate with JavaScript libraries!

Anniversaries, big and small achievements, public or religious holidays. We are looking for opportunities to celebrate them in our lives, as it gives us joy and happiness. It can be useful and fun to include this experience even in an otherwise ‘Very Serious And Important Application’. This article will focus on the confetti effect – how can you create it, what solutions can be helpful, and if it is a real thing to celebrate. In the text, you will also find code examples to make this journey more enjoyable!
Thumbnail of an article about Top 6 frontend trends for 2023 and beyond

Top 6 frontend trends for 2023 and beyond

Trends can come and go rather quickly, and that is especially true for software frontend development. Still, every business owner wants their application to beat the competition, and simply attracting new users is not enough, it is important they continue using the service. Nothing helps in this ongoing battle like making sure your web apps or mobile apps offer the best user experience to customers, which means it is totally worth it to keep up with the latest advancements in the field of frontend development.
Thumbnail of an article about How to build masonry layout in 5 minutes?

How to build masonry layout in 5 minutes?

Have you ever heard of the so-called masonry layout, as seen on Pinterest? In short, it consists of elements of unequal size stacked one after the other in the direction of the line. As they move to the next line, the items will move into the gaps left by the smaller items in the previous line. Preparing this type of layout is not a simple task. In 2010, David DeSandro implemented the 'Masonry' library to create this type of layout (Masonry library). However, the implementation of this layout is pretty complicated.
Thumbnail of an article about Enzyme vs React Testing Library — what to choose?

Enzyme vs React Testing Library — what to choose?

When developers work on frontend applications, there is a lot of manual testing of written code, to make sure that everything works well in the UI. This process is time-consuming, and we want to make sure that after we finish the work on the feature, it behaves as expected - this is where tests come into play. This article will compare two popular component testing tools for React applications - Enzyme and React Testing Library. At the end of 2015, EnzymeJS was released to the public and started getting traction immediately.
Thumbnail of an article about Top 10 frontend frameworks for software development

Top 10 frontend frameworks for software development

Frontend frameworks are a huge advantage while developing a website or an app. They are structures that will help you create an outstanding user experience, satisfy your clients and boost your business. Frameworks provide templates to interact with and are compatible with various libraries, which results in boosting your performance and, at the same time, reducing the amount of code required. However, with so many options to choose from it is easy to get overwhelmed. In this article we will present the top 10 frontend frameworks and their main features to help you choose the perfect one for your project.
Thumbnail of an article about Axios vs. Fetch API — which is better for HTTP requests?

Axios vs. Fetch API — which is better for HTTP requests?

Whether making a network request for cat photos or network latency data, we need a tool that allows us to perform such operations. Retrieving or modifying API data from a server is a vital part of most web applications. Use cases include: loading user information, receiving updates from the server,and many, many more. In this article, we'll compare two of the most widely-used options for making HTTP requests - Axios and Fetch. If you've worked with JavaScript lately, there's a good chance you worked with Axios.

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