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Thumbnail of an article about The El Dorado of developer talent — outsourcing IT projects to Poland

The El Dorado of developer talent — outsourcing IT projects to Poland

Let’s imagine that a new olympic sport is introduced: programming. Who would be a winner? The answer seems pretty easy: the USA, on the back of Silicon Valley, birthplace of Google, Apple and Microsoft. The most prominent figures in the IT industry--Larry Page, Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg, to name three--are all Americans, and all household names. Finally, countless talented developers live and work in the States. Among their ranks may be counted Robert C. Martin (colloquially known as "Uncle Bob"), the creator of the Agile Manifesto and Joel Spolsky, who in collaboration with Jeff Atwood launched the programmer Q&A site Stack Overflow.
Thumbnail of an article about Seamlessly transitioning to CNFs with Tungsten Fabric

Seamlessly transitioning to CNFs with Tungsten Fabric

Cloud-native Network Functions (CNFs), by all appearances, seem to be the next big trend in network architecture. They are a logical step forward in the evolution of network architecture. Networks were initially based on physical hardware like routers, load balancers and firewalls. Such physical equipment was then replaced by today’s standard, VMs to create Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs). Now, a lot of research is going into moving these functions into containers. In such a scenario, a container orchestration platform would be responsible for hosting CNFs.
Thumbnail of an article about Uncontainerizable VNFs in a CNF environment

Uncontainerizable VNFs in a CNF environment

Cloud-native network functions (CNFs, for short) are a hot topic in network architecture. CNFs use containers as the base for network functions and thus would replace today’s most widely used standard, Virtual Network Functions (VNFs). In such a scenario, a container orchestration platform--Kubernetes, say--could be responsible not only for orchestrating the containers, but also for directing network traffic to proper pods. While this remains an area under research, it has aroused considerable interest among industry leaders.
Thumbnail of an article about How can DPDK access devices from user space?

How can DPDK access devices from user space?

DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) is a set of libraries for implementing user space drivers for NICs (Network Interface Controllers). It provides a set of abstractions which allows a sophisticated packet processing pipeline to be programmed. But how does DPDK work? How is it able to access the hardware directly? How does it communicate with the hardware? Why does it require a UIO module (Userspace input-output)? What are hugepages and why are they so crucial? In this blog post I will try to explain, with a reasonable amount of detail, how a standard kernel space NIC driver works, how a user space program can access hardware and what can be gained from having it do so.
Thumbnail of an article about Infographic: The NFV MANO model in practice

Infographic: The NFV MANO model in practice

Please bear in mind that this infographic does not pretend to present a complete and ultimate mapping. It is only our vision based on the specific products. Since it is tough to precisely map the existing solutions, the model itself should be treated as an approximation. The elements presented are only examples and obviously do not show every solution available on the market. We are always eager to discuss this subject and consider different points of view.
Thumbnail of an article about Security in Kubernetes — overview of admission webhooks

Security in Kubernetes — overview of admission webhooks

This blog post is a continuation of two previous posts on security mechanisms in Kubernetes. If you have not yet read them, click here for part 1 and part 2 to see how you can provide an adequate level of security in Kubernetes deployments. Existing admission controllers are very useful, as they allow you to validate or modify requests to a Kubernetes API server. However, they have two limitations: They have to be compiled into an API server and can be configured only on the API server startup. The flexibility of admission webhooks helps solve these problems.Once enabled, their behavior depends on the special application running inside the Kubernetes cluster.
Thumbnail of an article about How to make your Kubernetes cluster secure

How to make your Kubernetes cluster secure

In the last couple of years Kubernetes (K8s) has become one of the most popular tools for running containerized applications. Many cloud companies, major ones among them, have adopted it to orchestrate their container-based workloads. Given its popularity, the problem of K8s security is becoming even more pressing. Read our two-part blog post series on how to make a Kubernetes cluster secure. Part one provides a brief history of virtualization, presents admission controllers and how they work and shows how Pod Security Policies, a powerful admission controller, can help you manage user actions on Kubernetes cluster.

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Thumbnail of an article about Introducing SONiC-DASH for enhanced network programmability

Introducing SONiC-DASH for enhanced network programmability

on Apr 15, 2024
Thumbnail of an article about The crucial role of machine learning metadata and its influence on content embeddings

The crucial role of machine learning metadata and its influence on content embeddings

on Apr 9, 2024
Thumbnail of an article about Frontend security: API’s key risks and how to mitigate them

Frontend security: API’s key risks and how to mitigate them

on Apr 3, 2024
Thumbnail of an article about IIFE: a (wrongfully?) forgotten JavaScript pattern

IIFE: a (wrongfully?) forgotten JavaScript pattern

on Mar 28, 2024
Thumbnail of an article about Introducing SONiC-DASH for enhanced network programmability

Introducing SONiC-DASH for enhanced network programmability

on Apr 15, 2024
Thumbnail of an article about The crucial role of machine learning metadata and its influence on content embeddings

The crucial role of machine learning metadata and its influence on content embeddings

on Apr 9, 2024
Thumbnail of an article about Frontend security: API’s key risks and how to mitigate them

Frontend security: API’s key risks and how to mitigate them

on Apr 3, 2024
Thumbnail of an article about IIFE: a (wrongfully?) forgotten JavaScript pattern

IIFE: a (wrongfully?) forgotten JavaScript pattern

on Mar 28, 2024
Thumbnail of an article about Introducing SONiC-DASH for enhanced network programmability

Introducing SONiC-DASH for enhanced network programmability

on Apr 15, 2024
Thumbnail of an article about The crucial role of machine learning metadata and its influence on content embeddings

The crucial role of machine learning metadata and its influence on content embeddings

on Apr 9, 2024
Thumbnail of an article about Frontend security: API’s key risks and how to mitigate them

Frontend security: API’s key risks and how to mitigate them

on Apr 3, 2024
Thumbnail of an article about IIFE: a (wrongfully?) forgotten JavaScript pattern

IIFE: a (wrongfully?) forgotten JavaScript pattern

on Mar 28, 2024

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