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DevOps is an approach to software development that is based on lean or agile practices. It combines tools and methods from software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). 

DevOps aims to improve responsiveness to market needs and shorten the software development life cycle (SDLC) and time-to-market.

DevOps key practices 

CI/CD— continuous integration, development, and/or deployment. CI/CD means that there is no need to wait until a major release is ready (usually a couple of times a year) to take it public. The practice has shown that such large releases were prone to errors. More frequent releases that roll out small patches, even weekly, help improve customer satisfaction and better fit the agile approach to software development.

Cloud-native—DevOps practices with a cloud-native approach have changed the perception of the software development cycle. The traditional distinction between Day 0, Day 1, and Day 2 (phases in the SDLC) is no longer valid. The steps can now be performed much sooner because of the agile approach, which has combined Day 1 and Day 2.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)—Infrastructure is managed with machine-readable definition files. Thanks to IaC, operation teams can automatically operate through the code instead of using a manual process. 

Continuous monitoring ensures that the deployed application works correctly. This process is ongoing, meaning it’s repeated multiple times in the application’s life cycle. Since many of these steps are automated, a new release’s time-to-market is significantly shorter than that using traditional software development methodology.

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Thumbnail of an article about Sharing configuration between your CI, build and development environments

Sharing configuration between your CI, build and development environments

This post is a follow-up to our presentation at the OpenStack Summit in Berlin, where we discussed maintaining a unified CI and building pipelines using the open source CI system, Zuul. You’ll find a recording of the talk here and a related OpenStack Superuser writeup here. I thought it would be useful for some of you to expand the concept of unifying environments and to include also the development one. I will also explain why this may help you ensure your project is progressing smoothly. DevOps practitioners are always on the lookout for ways to optimize and bulletproof their development workflows.
Thumbnail of an article about Continuous monitoring and observability in CI/CD

Continuous monitoring and observability in CI/CD

Deploying a CI/CD pipeline is only a half success. To complete the deployment, you need to establish continuous monitoring and observability which will allow you to collect metrics and actionable insights. In this blogpost you will learn about the principles of monitoring and observability, how they are related and how automation can streamline the entire deployment process. DevOps culture is a good starting point here, as understanding the DevOps advantages and its principles will allow you to contextualize continuous monitoring and observability.
Thumbnail of an article about Business benefits of CI/CD

Business benefits of CI/CD

Rare releases, tons of manual work, critical bugs detected too late, ineffective and late feedback—these problems plague the software development process many companies keep in place. They can be tackled by turning to continuous integration coupled with Continuous Delivery/Continuous Deployment, which will also generate more value for your customers/clients. Read on to understand what business benefits of CI/CD you may expect in your company. In the traditional approach to software development, major releases were spread out, occurring quite rarely—every six months, for example.
Thumbnail of an article about What is CI/CD — all you need to know

What is CI/CD — all you need to know

The CI/CD process is now one of the essential paradigms in modern software development, oriented on delivery and quality. Continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment benefit both software development and business. But what exactly stands behind the acronym CI/CD, and what is its added value? CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment or Continuous Delivery (CD). Although the basics of each are relatively similar, there are fundamental differences that define the key beneficiaries, and the results that can be achieved.
Thumbnail of an article about How to set up and optimize a CI/CD pipeline

How to set up and optimize a CI/CD pipeline

Nowadays you will hear that if you want your SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) to be efficient, you need to have a proper, well-established CI/CD setup. In most cases, it’s true. In this blog post I am going to focus on how to go about creating such a setup when creating a new CI/CD pipeline and optimizing an existing one. I will also look at best practices to follow and outline errors to avoid. Finally, I will analyze the possible reasons why your CI/CD setup may not work as expected and propose solutions to turn things around.
Thumbnail of an article about CI/CD pipeline: why it makes sense for your startup

CI/CD pipeline: why it makes sense for your startup

Today, the world of software and app development evolves rapidly. Both startups and larger companies keep bringing more and faster enhancements and functionality to the market to stay ahead of the competition. In order to maintain the pace of development and increase efficiency, development teams need to constantly optimize their workflow. One of the methods to both develop and sustain business reliability is the implementation of a CI/CD pipeline. It is now one of the fundamental practices for DevOps implementation in startups and one of the best practices that allow DevOps teams to deliver code more frequently and reliably.
Thumbnail of an article about CI/CD of CI/CD — how to avoid technical debt while delivering cutting edge software

CI/CD of CI/CD — how to avoid technical debt while delivering cutting edge software

When a company’s core business is delivering software, the tools it chooses to use are crucial to maintaining efficiency. Thus there is no reason to deliver CI/CD software in a model other than CI/CD. After we deliver shiny new CI/CD software to our clients, the work is hardly done. The software ages and the technical debt runs up. According to Deloitte, the typical application comes with $3.61 worth of technical debt per line of code. That debt accounts for every fast-but-imperfect patch or app architecture that ages and also makes innovations hard to apply.
Thumbnail of an article about SRE vs. DevOps — what’s the difference?

SRE vs. DevOps — what’s the difference?

DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) are two approaches in modern software development and operations. DevOps is a methodology that embraces lean and agile principles, focusing on continuous delivery and automation throughout the software development life cycle. This approach enables frequent releases and efficient software development and deployment processes. In 2003 SRE emerged as a solution designed to support the construction of large-scale applications. Today, SRE involves a team of experts with development backgrounds, applying engineering practices to tackle common challenges in production systems.
Thumbnail of an article about 7 benefits of DevOps that will impact your business

7 benefits of DevOps that will impact your business

In the traditional software development life cycle, there were separate teams dedicated to fulfilling specific tasks, like coding, testing, and deploying the final build in the production environment. These teams’ priorities often clashed with each other. Developers wanted to finish writing the code as fast as possible, so that the customers could access new features. However, the IT operations team, responsible for running the production site, was primarily focused on implementing the new changes safely and responsibly, which could be quite time-consuming.
Thumbnail of an article about DevOps lifecycle: everything you need to know

DevOps lifecycle: everything you need to know

DevOps is transforming how software is built and deployed by offering a more collaborative working environment and bridging the gaps between development, operations, and quality assurance. However, to fully profit from all the advantages that DevOps has to offer, it is recommended to adopt the complete DevOps lifecycle process. In this article, we’ll explain the DevOps lifecycle, its phases, and the tools used to build software. DevOps is a widely used methodology and is already well-known in the IT industry.

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